From today on, you can order spare parts for your Sega machines (wheels, joysticks, guns, panels, ...) directly from the manufacturer's new division: Sega Total Solutions (STS). This new department becomes the exclusive distributor for Sega spares (so general suppliers like Suzo stop selling them). On the other hand, nothing changes for the official distributors so you can still ask at Namusco when you're in need of replacement parts. You can reach Sega Total Solutions by phone at +44 (0) 208 391 8060 or by visiting their website:
Another news; Sega Sammy Holdings announced a 23% fall in their profits for the april to december 2006 period, falling from 63,49 to 49,38 billions yens (a bit more than 312 470 000 €). The company recorded a 3,9% fall in sales but precisely states this figures apply to Sammy's pachinko department only. Sega amusement and home products sales are very good. So it seems that acquiring Sega proved to be a smart move for Sammy.
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Mostly known for his In The Groove dancing game, texan developer Roxor Games will release two new titles soon: the first one named "Road Rebel" is as you guess a driving game centred on destruction. Indeed when playing alone, you can choose one of the 5 supercharged and heavily armed cars (fitted with miniguns, rockets, ...) and have to complete the whole 6 courses while blasting lots of things. In multiplayer mode (up to 4 players), the choice is extended to 12 deadly war machines. The deathmatch then takes place in one of the 6 specially designed arenas. All of this set in a futuristic world with varied environments on the punk rock music of Fat Wreck Chords (9 songs). You can of course upgrade your car between races with the money you previously gathered. According to players who tested it during a location test, the game is fast and furious. Road Rebel will be available as both complete standard sit-down cabinet and kit format suitable to most existing driving cabinets. The second title to come is called Tux 2. It's the follow-up to Tux Racer. Aimed at youngers, the game's system is still the same; you control Tux the penguin (the famous Linux mascot) racing snowy downhill courses while trying to catch objects. The machines gives out tickets, the number of tickets depending on the quantity of objects you collected. The controls consist of a steering wheel (like the one used for the second model of the original game) and a unique button allowing your character to take off once the gauge is full. Many new features appear in this second opus: first of all, you don't have to catch herrings but candies, the courses are now fitted with obstacles of a new genre like whirligigs and carousels that will turn you round and round if you get stuck in them. New playable characters have been added: aside Tux the penguin and his girlfriend Trixi, you can play as Boris the bear and Samuel the seal on the game's four race courses. Here's the game of the moment since penguins are very popular among children these days.
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The ATEI 2007 closed its doors yesterday. We'll publish a report covering this unmissable event very soon. Meanwhile, here are the new games that impressed us or at least that stood out of the rest: Sega once again took the lead with The House of the Dead 4 Special. This is rather a theme park ride than a simple video game but it's a success! Two giant screens, air is blown in your face, a rotating two persons seat, sudden movements and a new story, it's really superb! OutRun2 SP SDX is also very good adding movement and 2 players by car gameplay to OutRun2 SP. But the system implying to switch car controls between players (often) at the worse moment will cause some arguments between team mates. The machine showcased at ATEI will be housed at La tête dans les nuages in Paris. Now that the show is over, you know where to go to try it out. 2 Spicy cleverly renews the shooting genre thanks to its competitive gameplay, more freedom of movement, the ability to destroy setting elements and to zoom in to better kill your opponent. After Burner Climax is splendid and refreshing, sensations guaranteed with the SDX version. At last the Let's Go Jungle! lightgun game recalls The Lost World. It will please a wide audience by its accessibility and its adventure theme. It's the perfect game to play with your partner. On Namco's side, we advise Mario Kart Arcade GP 2, a lot better than the original and very different from the other racing games. Talking about racers, Taito brings us the very good Chase H.Q. 2, the aim is the same as in the first episode released nearly 20 years ago; you have to arrest an escaped criminal by hitting his car several times in order to destroy it. We missed that! And it's even better in a two player game! Let's also mention Konami's beatmania IIDX14 Gold, DrumMania V3 and GuitarFreaks V3 that will delight music games fans! There were many other games showcased at ATEI but the titles mentioned above are the novelties you can blind buy (however pay attention to your budget if you're interested in The House of the Dead 4 Special or OutRun2 SP SDX). We invite you to wait a few days for our comments on the other titles which will appear in our report.
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Be sure to pass by the gigantic Nekkerhal in Mechelen on saturday 20th and sunday 21st of january (between 9:30 and 18:00) to visit the ninth edition of Collector Fantasies. During this collectors fair, more than 120 exhibitors will showcase all sorts of collectibles (books, CDs, vinyls, posters, postcards, etc..), mainly things from the fifties to the seventies but especially jukeboxes and numerous pinballs! Talking about pinballs, you'll be able to witness the latest models and to enter the Belgian Pinball Championship that will take place there! Pinballs will be played the whole weekend and the grand final is scheduled for sunday in the afternoon. There will also be arcade games, particularly on the Star Wars booth hosted by real Stormtroopers and a Pump it Up for DDR (Dancing Stage) maniacs. So whatever your passion is, you'll find what you love there! Note the entry price is of 6 € only! Thanks to Nikki of for the info.
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ATEI 2007 is coming soon since this show takes place from 24 to 26 january 2006 at the Earls Court in London. So let's have a look at what Sega's cooking for this edition. Their stand will be two times bigger than last year (that's around 500m²) and this extra space will be necessary to contain all showcased titles, see for yourself: the deluxe version of Ford Racing Full Blown, Ghost Squad Evolution, the new competitive lightgun shooter Too Spicy Apache, Let's Go Jungle, Extreme Hunting 2 in both standard (Naomi cabinet) and deluxe 50" versions, Virtua Tennis 3 hosted in Naomi (4/3) and Lindbergh (16/9) Universal Cabinets. But the heavy artillery will be made of the famous OutRun2 SP SDX featuring 4 moving cars (8,25 meters long), The House of the Dead 4 Special attraction and After Burner Climax showcased in its 3 versions; static Standard, moving Deluxe and Super Deluxe (Simuline motion simulator) without forgetting the latest version of the big World Cup Champions Football named European Clubs 2005-2006. Trading card games will be here again with Mushiking, Dinosaurking and the european version of Love and Berry (aimed at girls who rather like fashion than insects or dinosaurs). As you see, it's good and heavy this year! We'll of course cover this event in our traditional report but you can already order your OutRun2SP SDX in 2 or 4 cars edition (that's 4 or 8 players) to your Sega distributor. But you must know there's a 5 months delay between order and delivery because the first production run is already totally sold out.
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We would like to wish you a good and happy new year! As each year around now, it's time for retrospective and to pass good resolutions. 2006 brought us excellent games such as The House of the Dead 4, Virtua Tennis 3 and Time Crisis 4. That year also saw the first Arcade Belgium tournament organisation and a strong growth of our "where to play" locations database that includes 74 different places now. So big thanks go to players who took part to the tournament and to the website contributors (namely Malkavian, MadDoctor, Meg', Pascal, Macklane and t3k1lla)!!! That was the retrospective part. Let's turn our eyes toward the future now: many new quality titles are announced for 2007 to the point that we can wonder if enough arcades will remain in activities to welcome all those novelties... Because even if we never stop discovering new places operating arcade games in Belgium, games are disappearing from many other places during the same time. We'll talk about this later but if you want to be able to play games like After Burner Climax, Chase H.Q. 2, Too Spicy or Thrill Drive 4, you know what to do! We hope that on operators' side, contests will become common, that they won't be affraid to invest in new games and above all we wish there will be a better cohesion of all sector's actors in order to achieve great things together. On our side, we promise you more, more news, more articles, a more dynamic website and hopefully... more events! Many new features are in the making and you won't be disappointed! Meanwhile, you can test our first new feature for 2007: the ChatBox. It's available to all people registered on our forum and allow you to chat live with other members connected simultaneously. We don't know what this year will be made of but we wish you only the best for 2007 and whatever happens, go out and play!
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News for your Naomi and Atomiswave cabinets, the Extreme Hunting 2 - Tournament Edition kit is available now for ordering from your Sega distributor. This hunting game offers you the opprtunity to hunt down deers, black bears, elks, mooses, wolves and even bisons. According to your performance, you'll unlock other game modes like hunting bats, squirrels, prairie dogs, gooses or bass fishing and target shooting. To succeed, you have access to several wepons including the rifle, the shotgun and bow & arrow, three extra weapons will be available as you progress. Multiplayer isn't forgotten since you can confront your mate in head-to-head matches or even try a 4 players tournament on the same machine (in this case each player plays alternatively). This game was released in the United States in june 2006 where it meets a wide success. Notice there exists an online tournament system based on the "ALL.Net" (Amusement Linkage Live Network) platform but for now, no one knows if this service will see the light of day in Europe. The full kit includes an Atomiswave motherboard, the game cartridge and 2 shotguns (with their controller PCB and necessary cables). These guns are 70 cm long and feature 2 small speakers mounted inside them reproducing gunshots sound.
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It's a pleasure for us to invite you on friday 03rd of november to a Sega Rally 2 tournament. This event will take place at Jeux Americains lunapark currently located on the Liège funfair, Parc d'Avroy (near the Liège-Guillemins station). People that will take part to the tournament could win one of these prizes : 1 Dirt bike, 1 DVD/DivX player, 1 DVD movie (to choose). You can already subscribe by sending an e-mail within your complete name, nickname, and e-mail address to or at the lunapark Jeux Americains. Subscription fee are 5 €. We hope to see many of you and wish you in advance a great tournament!
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After OutRun2 and OutRun2 SP, a new version of Sega famous race game is coming soon! This time, improvements come from appearance and immersion: indeed, each player will take place in a different Ferrari carossery (F-50, Dino 246 GTS, ...) moving during the race, and will enjoy a 62" DLP 16/9 screen. That's not all, a camera will be placed on every car and will display the driver's head on a screen located on top of the cabinet... But the most surprising is the all new cooperative mode: there will be 2 wheels by car! This promises great team races. This new edition runs on Lindbergh and no more on Chihiro. Let's recall that the kit transforming an OutRun2 twin to OutRun2 SP is in promotion (a chance if you don't own one yet), don't hesitate to contact your Sega retailer for more informations and don't forger that the Triforce: Virtua Striker 4 Ver. 2006 kit is on sales.
Author: AB Team
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Preview trade show is the place to discover next year's games. This time, we're promised to see a richer show than usual, with more exhibitors, more stands, more games, and so more business opportunities. Preview 2007 will take place at London West Novotel on wednesday 11th and thursday 12th october 2006. You can already register for an invitation to this unavoidable event. Amongst exhibitors are Namco and Sega who'll present their latest products. Rumors are talking about Soul Calibur III for the first one and Virtua Fighter 5 and After Burner Climax for the second... Wait & see!
Author: AB Team
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All other news items are featured in our news archive.
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